Saturday, October 24, 2015

Promotion Requirements!

Hello Shinobis!

The new ranking system to promote will need you to complete some mission to prove yourself worthy!


Clan Rank Needed: Academy Ninja
For Mastery Rank: 5 to 9

Mission: Kill Lephantis
Location: Void
Key Needed: Orokin Derelict Assassination Key
Players Needed: 4 (Clan Mates only, No Pub)

Mission Details - Once hitting Mastery Rank(MR) 5. Gather a team of 4 Ninja Academies clan mates who are having the same rank with you or higher and kill infested boss Lephantis @ Orokin Derelict Assassination.

Submit your completed mission screen-shot to forums Under Genin Exams Thread!


Clan Rank Needed: Genin 
For Mastery Rank :10 & Above

Mission: Clear Normal Raid
Location: Earth
Key Needed: Law of Retribution Key (NORMAL)
Players Needed: 8 (Clan Mates only, No Pub)

Mission Details - Gather a team of 8 Genins after hitting Mastery Rank(MR) 10! and pull an end to vay hek evil schemes!

STEP 1 - Submit your completed mission screen-shot in the comment section below!
STEP 2 - Show Your Raid results from the link

**You are able to bring 1 leader to your raid team**

Submit your completed mission screen-shot to forums Under Chunin Exams Thread!

Good luck my Fellow Shinobis! I look forward for your promotion!
